BiE Seasonal Greetings: Getting ready to vote blog #1
As you all know, there is a UK general election due in the next 14 months. Nobody knows when it will be but the smart money is on 2 May or sometime in October 2024, unless there’s a snap election before then.
People outside the UK for less than 15 years
If you are thinking about voting there are steps you can take now to make it easier and beat the rush to register before over 3 million UK citizens who are currently disenfranchised under the 15 year rule get their voting rights back on 16 January 2024 and start trying to register as well.
So, if you are currently registered to vote as an overseas elector and have less than six months to run before you have to renew your registration, think about doing it this month. Follow the link below. You will then be all set to vote in 2024.
If you are registered and have renewed but have recently moved or changed other personal details, go online to update your contact details so the electoral registration officer (ERO) in your constituency knows how to contact you. Find your electoral registration office:
If you are not yet registered or were registered but let your registration lapsed and have lived outside the UK for less 15 years you can register to vote now. Again, follow the link below.
People outside the UK for more than 15 years
If you are not registered on the electoral roll but have lived outside the UK for more than 15 years, keep checking here for information on what you will have to do when in order to register once the secondary legislation becomes law on 16 January 2024. This will be coming very soon!
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